Myriam's Muse

Every morning I create a newsletter called Myriam's Muse. This blog is the rest of the story. If you would like to receive my muse send a blank email to

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Location: Blue Ridge Mountains, United States

Myriam is spiritual counselor and coach with more than 35 years of experience. She accepts a limited number of clients that are looking to develop life skills that will improve the process of self-enrichment.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Monday and Harry Took a Long Weekend

What else can I say except: It's Monday.

It seems that my muse took a long weekend and is not communicating with me this morning. So while he/she is away in some other dimension or reality, I thought I would tell you a little about my muse.

I call my muse Harry Harkness. He is a wizened and sweet little angel. I can visualize him sitting on a tall 3 legged stool in front of an old fashioned desk wearing a green visor. On the desk is a honker of a computer that Harry can use to access my neural network. So when I need to get the old brain kicked into gear I call Harry. But like I said, I think Harry took a long weekend and is either incommunicado or asleep.

I didn't know at first why I decided to call my muse Harry Harkness. Then one day I heard a song in my head - I do that quite often - and I heard: Hark the Harold Angels Sing. So my muse is a Harry little Angel that keeps me company and helps me work. He is my homunculus.

Homunculi are created entities to serve the wizards and magicians who create them. They are telepathically connected with their makers and will often go out into the world to spy or solve problems for their master or mistress.

Homonculi are a reflection of their creator. They have the creator's alignment, basic intelligence, and even physical mannerisms. They are mute but can write if the creator is literate. They may assist their creator in a variety of tasks including magical endeavors, although they cannot themselves cast spells. This is a description from a game site called the Land of Cain.

Many ancient Kabalist and Alchemist were credited with creating homunculus but in the Hebrew tradition they were called golem. These created beings were often protectors and always helpers. Even in ancient Egypt they would create clay servants to be buried with the dead. These were magical creatures that helped with the afterlife. All of these created beings were not functional unless they were named. There is no one who needs more help than a writer so I created and named my homunculus Harry Harkness to help me along my manifest way.

While looking for Harry, in case he was outside my neural net and out on the Internet I found a neat site:


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