Myriam's Muse

Every morning I create a newsletter called Myriam's Muse. This blog is the rest of the story. If you would like to receive my muse send a blank email to

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Location: Blue Ridge Mountains, United States

Myriam is spiritual counselor and coach with more than 35 years of experience. She accepts a limited number of clients that are looking to develop life skills that will improve the process of self-enrichment.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Wednesday: One Truth Dies - Another is Born

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
Anais Nin

It takes courage to face TRUTH! Sometimes we like to think that it is better to reconstruct the truth so that it is more acceptable. And that is fine as long as it doesn't dis-empower us. Sometimes reality is like a bitter orange. . . Unpleasant to the taste but ultimately healing.

About 15 years ago I stumbled upon a poem written by my father-in-law, Dr. Manuel Antonio Serna-Maytorena. I always remembered this line: My son is like a bitter orange. Today I found out the truth of his poetry. In doing some research for the free-write group to which I belong I began a search and finally pomelo rose led me to citrus which led me to bitter orange as it is used in Mexico. It is used for medicinal purposes and is considered very healing. And my little epiphany which gave me insight into how Tonio saw the gift of his son. Mark was a healing to Tonio. Isn't that a great gift from the universe to me.

Truth changes as language and meanings of words get changed in translation. All of our history as it grows more and more complex allows us to have more complex vision into our realities. And thus it is through language and linguistic sophistication that we come to realize that Anais Nin was correct when she wrote in her diary: We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. As I change so does my reality and my truth.

I must say this has been an amazing and insightful morning and journey as I have discovered many "truths" today that I did not expect and as realities collided with each other I was changed. The rippling effect of this change on my perceptions and consciousness will be fascinating to watch.

I received an email yesterday from a woman in response to the new direction of Light Source ( ) and I quote: It never ceases to amaze me, Myriam, how you constantly keep reinventing yourself.

It is the spark of truth that keeps ingniting the journey to self.


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