Thursday The Brain is Not Reality TV!
The Brain is Not Reality TV!

Memories come flooding into my reality. I sometimes wonder if what I remember is the truth or just my imagination. It is not easy at times to be clear but it is worth the effort. I guess if the memories feel good, then it doesn't matter. However, when the memories make us feel bad or experience pain, it is time to get clear. There is a strange phenomena of the human brain and memory. When we constantly go over and over something it becomes set stronger and stronger in the brain and more neural pathways are created in order to access a thought or event. Also, as humans we have very colorful imaginations that evoke emotions that might not have been as strong when an event occurs but over time as we think and rethink a situation, the memory takes on a life of its own.
If we have a disagreement with a friend, it can become a breach in the relationship if we allow ourselves to stew and stew over a slight remark that meant most to nothing and turn it into a huge wound that could have been avoided if we had just refused to be caught in the small and to then turn it into the big. Suppose our friend says off handedly something about the way that we do something so small as to be nothing, but because our mom or dad used to nag us about that same thing, it will all of a sudden be caught in the brain and twisted and turned until it is tangled into the brain's memories that connect our anger at our mom or dad nagging on us and the friend receives all that built up drama and then each little small thing the friend says meaning absolutely nothing builds into a break in the bond of friendship. A little thing grows to gigantic proportions and we become more and more aware of everything that friend says that confirms our growing distrust.
Today ignore the small stuff and get on with the big stuff like loving.
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