Myriam's Muse

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Location: Blue Ridge Mountains, United States

Myriam is spiritual counselor and coach with more than 35 years of experience. She accepts a limited number of clients that are looking to develop life skills that will improve the process of self-enrichment.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday: Monsters and other stuff

M.I.L. - Monster-in-Law

I can deal well with the concept that everyone is a mirror of what is inside us. Well, until I look at some of the real monsters in life like my M.I.L. - Monster-in-Law. What can one say when one has been forced by choice to live with a demon in one's life. I don't think that I ever met anyone crazier than Virginia. Now, you can say this is just a typical reaction of all women when there is conflict between how and who runs one's household but I can honestly say the only real mistake that I ever made in my life was not killing THAT woman.

Think that sounds like and exageration and I am kidding, well I am not.

I have known her for at least 40 years and I can honestly say that more then 70 percent of the issues that I have had to deal with in life were somehow involved in her actions.
First I married her son and while she is not totally responsible that he was addicted to everything from alcohol to sex to the acquisition of money she certainly had some hand in creating the Lounge Lizard from hell. She gave him the genes to become what he became. A great jazz musician and composer who turned his back on his art to turn to becoming a slum lord so he could have money to fuel his addictions. After seven years I managed to escape him and the marriage but I never was really free of the impact on my life and neither were my sons.
Second I had her grandchildren. For forty years she took great delight in telling them how horrible I was... I was everything from a whore to lesbian to a maniac. There is no limit to the things that she said about me to my children during their developmental years. Their vision of me became distorted because of vile tongue. You have heard about that plant that is sharp and spikey and hurts you when you touch it... now I know why they call it Mother-in-Law Tongue. She even told my children that their father did not love me but married me so that he would have children and not have to go to Vietnam. Of course, I will not even go into what she said about their father.

Third she sent me on a search to recover my soul. After seven years of verbal and emotional abuse my soul was shattered and I was so destroyed that I was luckey to escape with my life and what was left of my sanity. They say that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Well, I must say that I have become stronger. And along the way to recovery from an abusive relationship with this demon, I was brought to many adventures and expressions of my reality.
Yesterday, I wrote about the entity in the attic, but there was also a demon that lived next door to me while I experienced the evil in that house and it was in th form of that woman. When I had recovered enough to start to think clearly I wrote her a letter and I said there can only be three reasons for the way that she had lived and expressed her life:

1. She was either possessed by a demon and in that case should go to my mother and have her pray for her and have it exorcised.

2. She was totally insane and should seek psychiatric help.

3. She was a sociopath.

After years of analysis and soul searching I have come to the conclusion that my M.I.L. was all three. And hopefully she does not reflect what is me or what I have become. Perhaps because I was able to escape I did not become a reflection of her. Inch by inch, sliver by sliver I have managed to retrieve my soul. However, I still say for the safety of the world and the sanity of my family and me, the only mistake that I ever made was not to kill that woman.


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