Myriam's Muse

Every morning I create a newsletter called Myriam's Muse. This blog is the rest of the story. If you would like to receive my muse send a blank email to

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Location: Blue Ridge Mountains, United States

Myriam is spiritual counselor and coach with more than 35 years of experience. She accepts a limited number of clients that are looking to develop life skills that will improve the process of self-enrichment.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thursday Thoughts about Love Death and Rebirth

The right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I woke up this morning depressed. I didn't know why. I just said to myself - how do I go about doing what has to be done? I was not really aware as to why I felt so bad until I got a call from my sister about the terrorist bombings in London.

It also brought back other memories. Of course, 911 comes to mind. But for me, I remembered the terrorist acts in Madrid.

Most people remember what they were doing on 911. I remember that I was sitting in the chair of the dentist getting a root canal. I also remember what I was doing when the terrorists attacked Madrid, my mother died.

Now all of these things are not apparently connected yet today I feel that all is connected. That we are all connected in energy patterns that often cannot be explained. I think about the killing that is going on all over our planet. From violence in the streets on an individual basis to mass conflicts such as war. Our drive to self-destruct has not changed. What is evolving is our sophistication in wrecking havoc on ourselves and on our planet.

Crime in the United States accounts for more death, injuries and loss of property then all Natural Disasters combined. Approximately thirteen million people (approximately 5% of the U.S. population) are victims of crime every year. Approximately one and a half million are victims of violent crime. [] These statistics of individual violence are growing globally.

Now I don't know if we will ever truly become a peaceful species. I do know that when people have food and shelter and basic needs met they are less likely to become violent. Perhaps our best way to fight individual and collective terrorism is to focus on how we can help those who can't even get shelter, food, medicine or clothing. Where do we start. Well first we start at home like our dear friend Janet Elaine Smith [] who spends a portion of every day helping the homeless in her town. We start by helping those who have less than we do. This can be through charitable contributions. It doesn't matter what amount that we do - one dollar of mine joined with a dollar from you becomes more and thus we grow the money needed to help others. We help insure that all children receive the educational tools that they will be able to go to college. Then we work to insure that these children will go on to college and be able to provide for themselves and their families.

I truly believe that we are as a species connected in an infinite pattern that has both chaos and beauty. If we were to take but one moment out of our day to send out the energy of love to all of those who are one with us, it will become a cumulative energy that will help us all heal. The events of today evoke a primal fear. It is this primal fear that is destroying us. While I do not agree that the opposite of fear is love. I do know that nurturing love that filled with sincerity and hope can quell fears so that we can continue to evolve and heal as a species.


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