Wednesday: Monkey Monkess is Back!

Many people hear voices when no-one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up on rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.
I think that writing keeps us sane. Or at the very least, it allows us to express the monkey madness in our minds in a positive manner.
Words came easy to me. I loved the way they would dance around in different permutations expressing ideas in new ways. The sound of words as I write often energize me and make me feel vital. There is also the opposite effect when to many words seem to just float me off to sea on wave of melancholy.
There are those who write like craftsmen. Taking each sentence apart and putting it back together. Looking for the perfect word to express an inner dynamic. I am not like that. I am a slash and burn writer. My words pour forth from me as from another source that is not me but yet is me. Editing is for editors. Writing is for writers. Anything else as Truman Capote says is just typing. Or to put it more clearly those who can write, write. Those who cannot become editors.
Of course there is the issue of who is a good writer and who is a bad writer. A good writer is one who behaviors herself and acts in a kind and respectful way to others. A bad writer is one who thinks that her words are above reproach and that her ideas are etched in tablets of stone handed down from a divine source. What a bunch of monkey do. You know monkey see - monkey do do.
When a writer is good, she is very good. When a writer is bad, she is even better.
I have given up being a good writer. I have given up being a great writer. I have adopted the Monkey Monkess theory on writing. If it makes me feel good great. If it makes someone else feel good, that is a few extra bananas on my cheerios in the morning.
So until tomorrow, I will monkey around with my muse some more.
Man, Myriam, are you deep or what? These were words for the soul. ;o)
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