Monday: Compassion and Kindness

The art of compassion does not always come easy for those who have suffered along the way. There is within each one of us the ability to find that seed of divine love that manifests as compassion and kindness in our dealings with all that pass through our lives. The first manifestation of incarnate divinity is to approach life and all creatures with compassion.
We are charged to be caregivers and nurturers of those who are suffering. This is ultimately the mission of the evolutionary spirit that is re-awakening on our planet. To have compassion is one thing, but we must also act compassionately. Everyday each one of us has an opportunity to express love and understanding to another on this planet. You never know when your acts of loving kindness will totally change another person's life in ways that you really cannot comprehend.
One does not have to be Mother Theresa or the Dali Lama or any perceived icon of spiritual leadership to demonstrate the art of compassion. In everyday life, it is the moment to moment encounters with others that heal hearts and repair a wounded planet. We may at first in our busy schedules train ourselves to be aware of moments of divine chance that enter our lives. As we learn to attend to others and to witness their journey we learn to connect heart to heart. And once our collective hearts are in a state of awareness than healing will vibrate through out the planet. One act of kindness can undo three acts of anger, fear or hate.
We all want to live in a kinder and gentler world. We can create that ripple by creating our own inner world to be kind and gentle. When we begin to show compassion and kindness to self, we are then more able to reach out to others with this energy of divine love. The only difference between the mission of the great avatars and ourselves is nothing more than recognition by a mass of individuals. As we add our energies to the divine energies of these icons we will help our planet reach a state of critical mass so that we will truly have transformed our world into a place where more and more individuals respond to the collective charge to do all with kindness and compassion.
To learn more about the compassion of love go to Life with Mother; A Journey of Love, Death and Rebirth.
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