Tuesdays K.I.S.S.

Look at your own life. Has it become overly complex? Have you found yourself burdened by too many possessions or responsibilities? Take a deep breath and ask yourself: "What steps can I take to reduce the clutter so that I may live simply and joyously?"
Douglas Bloch
I find that what makes me happy is to keep my life simple. I sometimes say that I am a minimalist but that isn't exactly true. I really like rich and complex things like thoughts, some art, an excellently prepared meal. However, if I reduce my addiction to things and stuff I find that I am in zone of greater contentment. Moments in the morning with you where I share some of my simple stuff that I like makes me happy.
I work for a psychic service on the internet. My job is to help people find sense out of what seems impossible. Life becomes complex for many people as they deal with just day-to-day living. I find that people in pain are in pain because they let situations that they cannot control take foot hold in their minds and keep pounding them over and over again with questions that need answering but may take time to come to resolution. All of us face these moments and I have found what makes them easier to cope with is to make day-to-day living as simple as possible. When we have to many scheduled tasks in a day and no time for simple pleasures life gets out of control when any crisis - no matter how large or how small - upsets routine.
I find that the most important question that people ask always has an underlying theme: Will things get better? In other words, when walking through the dark night of the soul a person needs to have hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When I work with people it is my job to simply focus on them and their needs. It is amazing what that does for my stress level. It actually reduces it. When I take the focus off of me and place it on another with love and compassion light begins to fill his or her life and to fill mine. My simple pleasure in my work is to be able to take someone's hand and lead them out of the darkness and closer to the light of understanding that life will and does eventually change and get better.
I find that if we focus on the small things in life the big things seem to be taken care of by some higher power. I don't know if that higher power is god/dess or just the natural rhythms of life. We all eventually heal our wounds. We all eventually find answers to questions that plague us. We all eventually experience a moment when we can look at a flower and feel the pleasure of beauty.
I have found that all of our experiences in life have a purpose. We may not always perceive the purpose of an event at the time that it happens but later on an event occurs and we look back at how we learned a new skill or lived through a crisis and we have an inner encylopedia of life that will provide answers to carry us forward on our path in life.
There have been many events in my life that I did not understand at the moment but lately many of those sometimes painful moments have been helping me in my work to help others. As I hear another's painful story, I can remember when I had a similar painful story and I am able to share empathetically his or her process in learning to not only survive but to grow from the events that are surrounding them and causing pain or discomfort. I have also found that if I am to help a person he or she will find me. I can sit in my simple office with the birds singing outside my window and know that the phone will ring and I will be prepared to share the healing that is needed in the moment.
The other person's pain does not make me happy. What makes me happy is that I have been taught experientially and academically to have skills that will enable them to reduce their pain enough to go forward and discover new alternatives in the way that they perceive life. I can't always tell them what they want to hear, but I can give them hope that life will get better. I can let them know that they are significant and that someone cares for them. I can love them and that is really what gives me a sense of contentment with my life and my work.
If you would like to check out my virtual office come on over to http://asknow.com They call me Mother Myriam over there and the message I share is those lessons I learned from my mother and from my life.
Oh, I had a great email yesterday. A woman wrote to say she had bought three copies of my book Life with Mother and wanted me to autograph one of them. She had bought the extra copies to give to friends who were dealing with their own personal journey of love, death and rebirth. It gives me joy to know that the words I write will help others deal with the end-of-life of a beloved. If you would like to get a copy for a friend or for you go to http://lifewithmother.com
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