Sunday -- Sexy is as Sexy does

Sexy has many meanings during our life. Ultimately it is passion. Whether passion for a person or passion for a work or another pleasure.
Whether one is talking about a love affair with a person or a love affair with one's art, passion can become less. For authors, it can become writers block. For lovers, it can become sex put on the back burner. Anything and anywhere where we create there can be moments and hours and even years where we feel ourselves lost in a flat time. The passion stops. We are no longer sexy.
How do we get our juices flowing again? Well, ask anyone who has fallen out of love and you will understand the dynamics of this issue. We need something or some event that gets us going again. We need to build up pressure that needs to be released. Sexy passion whether as an artist or in an affair needs to be primed at times.
There is something funny that happens when we don't feel sexy, we feel like we are less. We feel that others don't find us attractive. We feel that we are failures. Are we any of these things, probably not. We are just bored.
We need to walk away. We need to get away from all that depressing of the passion. We need to allow ourselves to back off and find a way to journey back to the world of being energized.
Just like with relationships, the creative person involved with art can find times when it just isn't happening. That is when we say no, I am not defined by my work or my relationships. It is the same because art is a marriage between the creator and her muse. When it isn't working we need to move on to other things and other adventures.
Maybe we need to have an affair with another art form. There is something that can help us open up and that is becoming involved in something else that gets our juices flowing. It might be taking a dance class. It might be taking a Tai Chi class. When our primary love isn't happening to satisfy us we need to seek another lover and perhaps we will return to our first love or maybe we will discover another muse that will allow us to express our creative spirit.
We cannot make the passion happen. We can create an environment where it might wake up and become engorged with life. Whether art or relationships, being sexy requires the willingness to explore and to take risks.
Until tomorrow... Imagine the possibilities
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