Myriam's Muse

Every morning I create a newsletter called Myriam's Muse. This blog is the rest of the story. If you would like to receive my muse send a blank email to

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Location: Blue Ridge Mountains, United States

Myriam is spiritual counselor and coach with more than 35 years of experience. She accepts a limited number of clients that are looking to develop life skills that will improve the process of self-enrichment.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Feline Wisdom

Happy Birthday Theresa Chase (Tirgana)Our favorite rescuer of feline friends.

Even overweight cats instinctively know the cardinal rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses.
John Weitz fashion designer, spy and author of the book Friends in High Places, b.1923

Cats have always amused and sometimes amazed me. They are so independent and yet very loving. They will not be ruled but can be seduced by food and love. As I visited my sister Glenna this past weekend I met Gracie Grace the new member of her family. Gracie Grace is a long haired black cat and about as stand offish and in control of her world as any cat that I have ever met. Imagine Glenna’s little old Yorkie who is blind and most deaf dealing with a feline who is determined to rule the roost.

But something amazing happened. Kippie got a new lease on life with this taunting stalking but gentle new family member. In fact, he has become more active, eats better, and has recaptured his youth. Of course, the puppy cut did a lot to make him look like the puppy he one was.

Now in reality Gracie Grace looks like a fat cat but when you feel her you know it is just that long luxurious coat that wants to shed all over Glenna’s beautiful carpet. Gracie Grace like all felines has taken over the house. And I have to admit she is a poseur. And she makes sure that you notice when she is making a declaration that she is the queen of the house.

There is nothing like a new pet to bring joy into a home and energy into our lives. As they say pets allow us to live longer by lowering blood pressure, giving us continued responsibility for another, reducing stress as we pet them, and giving us laughter with their antics.

Personally as I prepare for a trip in June to the wedding of my brother John (age 75) and his bride-to-be Myrna Jo, I have to admit the one I am looking forward to seeing most is John’s dog Clint.

How blessed we are with the animals in our lives whether they be just pets or familiars, they give our life meaning, unconditional love, and joy.

Myriam Maytorena
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Start all over again

I have always been delighted atthe prospect of a new day,a fresh try,one more start,with perhaps a bit of magicwaiting somewhere behind the morning.~ J. B. Priestly

Morning has broken with a new opportunity. It is wonderful to again have that feeling that magic is always an option. Success consists more of optimism and persistence than any other qualities. Of course, we always self-define success for ourselves and that is sometimes the only fly in the ointment. We carry the expectations of family and friends, rather than looking at what gives us joy.

But like the old song goes, sometimes you just got to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. And that is the blessing of today. If you feel like you have fallen down or fallen short, you have the opportunity to delve deep into you and find what path you would prefer. This can apply to any part of life. Whether it is career, family, friends, associates or just leisure time, if you are not feeling that things are going the way you want you always have to option to start a new plan to create the life that you desire.

May you be blessed with vision and desire today as you choose to live the life that will bring you the greatest joy.

Remember my saying: If it isn't fun, don't do it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Let Go of the Pain

You don't have to hold on to the pain, to hold on to the memory.
Janet JacksonMay 16 1966

So many of us are unable to let go of the pain that is a part of our past. Whether through our dreams or through thoughts that randomly filter through our brain evoked by a song, a smell, or a photograph we have the power to let go of the pain.

In almost every situation that we encounter that was painful around us was also good things that gave us hope. Even if the only good is looking back and saying I made it through that therefore I can make it through anything. There is always a balm that can heal the pain and allow us to enshrine and create a sacrifice to our pain on the altar of growth.

Another excellent way to release the pain, is to take what we have learned from our lives and use it to help others. I don’t think anyone is a greater example of that than Oprah Winfrey who was molested as a child and has used her public platform to fight child molestation and to put offenders behind bars and to face the reality that we can heal and move forward.

You will not usually find an activist on the smallest level or the most public level that has not taken pain and transformed it into action so that others could be healed and thus finding healing for themselves.

Whether you are angry, depressed or even physically ill because of incidents of your past, the sooner you can turn the focus away from the pain inside to helping others outside of self, you will find the path to recovery.

Today, wrap your pain in healing love and your memories will become lessons and guides to finding an empowerment for you and for others.

Myriam Maytorena to find answers

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wisdom of the Ages

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in your life you will have been all of these.
Dr. Robert H. Goddard
American rocket engineer 1882-1945

I have found my mirror to compassion for self through my children. I have watched them grow to the age of 40 something and I still see how much they have to do to learn and grow. I watch their mistakes and remember my own. And I discover forgiveness. Forgiveness for them, but selfishly forgiveness for me as I realize that I walked along the path and made similar mistakes and sometimes worse mistakes. My children give me a clearer vision of me.

I have found my mirror to compassion for self through my mother. She watched me grow old and she still accepted my folly and my mistakes and I knew that I was loved and accepted. I hope that this is a gift that I have inherited when I look at my sons, friends and family. My mother gave me a clearer vision of me and who I could become.

As I grow older I realize how many people unintentionally were my teachers. From those who were often the cruelest or worse, I learned to be kinder. From those who could not take care of themselves, I learned to forgive me when I struggled and failed and was able to stand up again and move forward. From those who loved me when I was my most unlovable, I have learned to love me also. From those who hurt me, I learned not to hurt others at least intentionally. For those who have helped me and expected nothing in return, I learned to give without expectation of being paid back.

From when I would get angry and want to strike back, I learned that revenge has no great sense of satisfaction only a sense of my own weakness. I have learned that I do not have to seek revenge and to leave it to time and the universe.

I have learned that at least 90 percent of people are good, and I don’t have time to foster paranoia about the other 10 percent so I find it more fulfilling to risk receiving a positive relationship and to take time to heal myself if I am hurt by one of the minority.
And while I am learning to accept being 62, all of a sudden I am excited by what I am going to experience and learn next. For that gift, most of all, I thank my mother and my sister Glenna.

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Are you a cougar?

Myriam’s Muse
May 5, 2006

You shouldn't believe everything. What you see isn't always right. Is what you think truly right? Please, think about it again. A heart that obediently accepts things is fine, but shouldn't you question something just once? The truth is in a place you can't see.
Takehito Koyasu

Since I started studying astrology some 30 years ago or so, the first thing I learned and continue to learn is that Aquarians are ahead of their times and definitely eccentric. Now that can be good or bad and I definitely have to say that in my life that has been true.

This morning I was watching a morning TV show and they were discussing a "new" trend. There is a new societal change of older women dating younger men. The women are designated as Cougars. I always thought I was a Jaguar and now I find out that I have been a Cougar for more than 30 years. After my second divorce, I discovered the fun of dating younger men.
Now if that is not ahead of the trend in an Aquarian style I have never seen one. When I was 46 I got divorced. I remember that I lived in a college town and was part of academia. I found it rather fun to date young men. I wasn’t attracted to teenagers as much as young men in their early twenties. They were risk takers. They wanted to have fun. They didn’t expect me to do their laundry or cook dinner. They were intrigued by the sexier older woman.

However, something happened that I didn’t expect when I was 48 in the middle of fun and games with this delightful young man of 25 I found myself becoming more and more attracted to his soul.

Now if I were to have believed everything that I was taught and what society said, remember this was about 15 years ago, I would have pulled back from the idea of commitment. Instead we were married and have been married for fifteen years. And, what is funny is that I like being married to a man that doesn’t expect a maid but expects an equal partner. It is not always an easy path but marriage is not an easy path.

However, this is one Cougar that will tell you she is very happy that she caught her prey and is looking forward to more going against the rules that make no sense.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Walking your inner talk

They will say you are on the wrong road,if it is your own.

Antonio Porchi

Do you ever question if you are on your right path? Do you question how to find your mission? Or, do you feel at times that you really are not making a contribution? Do you resent what is often required of you by others?

When we begin to question to disquieting thoughts that make us wonder as Peggy Lee used to sing:: Is that all there is? When those thoughts and ideas enter our heads it means that we are not following the path that brings us joy. However, we always have a choice to make changes that will bring us to a state of contentment and joy. The biggest clue that you are doing what is right for you is that you feel good about accomplishing something or feeling good when you are with certain types of people.

Often in finding our own path to contentment and joy, we have to go against the wishes of others both family, friends and business associates. Creating our own path takes courage but that courage pays great rewards when we find that night has come and we lay our heads on our pillow and a sigh comes out reflecting thoughts that it has been a very good day. Another sign is when you find a smile coming automatically as you are doing something and no one else is around. You might even find that you are whistling or singing while you work.

When you learn to focus on the moments that bring you happiness or joy, than you know that you are on the way to doing something that points to your path in this life. While not every moment in life is going to be a happy moment, if we can get ourselves to where we have more good times than bad times in our inner reaction to life, we have found our path... we have discovered our mission.

Myriam Maytorena for essays you have missed before
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