Myriam's Muse

Every morning I create a newsletter called Myriam's Muse. This blog is the rest of the story. If you would like to receive my muse send a blank email to

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Location: Blue Ridge Mountains, United States

Myriam is spiritual counselor and coach with more than 35 years of experience. She accepts a limited number of clients that are looking to develop life skills that will improve the process of self-enrichment.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

A message from Mother Myriam

Dear Friends

You've got to do your own growing,
no matter how tall your grandfather was.
~ Irish Proverb

Today our message is a bit different. Many of you do not know this but my father died when I was 11 years old. My mother was not educated beyond the 5th grade and had few skills except the ability to care for others. My mother worked as a maid and nurse for $15.00 a week to provide for us. This was not the first time Mother had to experience being a single parent with children to raise. She also had lost her first husband during the depression with three young children to care for. But through faith and hard work and often the kindness of strangers she made sure that her family survived.

As we enter the season of harvest, I want to share a lesson that Mother taught me. It is the law of seed planting. We have all heard that as we sow so shall we reap. This works in all areas of life from the necessities of survival to the more esoteric issues of love, relationships, kindness, friendship and so forth.

Mom used to tell me if you want a friend you have to be a friend. And she is so right. When we reach out to help others from the smallest thing like a smile or helping a friend in crisis, then good will be returned to us. The opposite is the same, when we plant the seeds of weeds which is anger, hate, distrust, paranoia this things will also be returned.

As I grew up I watched that Mother daily would feed a widow who was alone in the neighborhood a warm meal everyday. It was her mission. There is something in the Bible about taking care of orphans and widows that is highly emphasized that and she took it upon herself to do this.

When she was in her mid-seventies I went to visit her and I went to the refrigerator and it was filled with food. People were enabling her to reap the seeds that she had planted. Even when she came to live with me in her last year of age 98 people were bringing us food all the time. This season of harvest is a good time to ask what seeds are we planting?

Today, plant a seed of random kindness. It will be returned to you 10 times.


Mother Myriam

PS: If you have questions write me at and put attention Myriam in the subject line.

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