Sunday is a Play Day

If I get to pick what I want to do, then it's play... If someone else tells me that I have to do it, then it's work.
Patricia Nourot
I had a horrible revelation. I am an addict. Now I always knew I have an addictive personality. I was talking with my sister Glenna and said: I did not work Saturday evening. There is something wrong with me that I think I have to work 24/7 so I have declared this a play day...
Well, it will be when I get my work done. There I go! It seems that I have this compulsion to just work. I think it is because for the most part it is fun. It took a long time for me to get to the place where I mostly do what I want to do but fortunately for me what I like to do is write. Sometimes when I write, it is work. Sometimes when I write, it is pure labor. But always when I write it is play. To bad I don't write plays and then I could have a double pay for my play. However, everything I seem to do seems to be word play.
A domestic diva I am not. You can find a path through my house and sometimes the dishes make it into the dishwasher. The laundry is for those to do who run out of clothes. Food and cooking is often play. The only time I can be seduced away from my addiction to work is by another stronger addiction and that is to go out to dinner and have a drink and visit with my best friend and husband Mark. Unfortunately I have to do the game of pay for play in order to do that.
I sit here at my computer and I think: What would I be doing if I didn't do this? What else could give me as much pleasure? I think when I have worked at "real jobs" in the past it was only to allow me the resources so I could come and play.
I have often said: Play is child's work and work is adult's play.
If I could give you any gift today it would be that the work you do becomes your play.
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