Along came Saturday when I wasn't looking!

A funny thing happened while I was watching life this week, Saturday came. I wasn't expecting it when I awoke this morning. I thought at the very most it was like Wednesday. But no another Saturday morning and I ain't got no money so I guess it is going to be a slow Saturday night.
This is has been a week of ups and downs culminating with a Friday where I finally from the result of a stressful week, I just had to detach me from reality. That is an amazing coping mechanism. If life is getting to difficult, go away to a quiet place in your head for a while. You can meet the most amazing person... You.
When I take time to get re-acquainted with me I always come away refreshed. It seems that we do so much taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. Of course, you would think as wise as I think that I am I would realize when my stress-ometer is reaching the red zone. But, perhaps like you, I will all of a sudden realize that I have a headache that is from hell or my nerves are so frazzled that you can smile and say hello and I will jump down your throat. And I will say: Where the hell did that come from?
So Saturday has popped up over night and reminded me that I need to do something for me. I hope it reminds you to do the same thing.
I hate Saturdays. It's the one day of the week I have to crawl out of bed at 8:30 and be at work by 10. Not a happy camper this morning. Which reminds me...I need to get off here and get ready. Hope your Saturday is better than mine!
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