I felt drawn today to write about astrology. I don’t do that too often because the truth is that other than counseling people I have moved on from instruction in the art and science of astrology.
There is a lot of chatter now about the apparent retrogradation of the planet Mercury. Mercury is not really going backward. Because of the orbit of Mercury and its relationship to the earth, it will at times appear to stand still and then be moving backwards than it appears to stand still again and move forward. However, there does seem to be some impact of this action on our planet and on us as individuals.
Every planet has been designated rulership over certain areas of the horoscope. The horoscope is a map of the sky at the time we were born. It is drawn as a circle divided into twelve houses and we are in the center of the chart of the horoscope.
Depending on which house (those twelve divisions of the horoscope created based upon the time and place that we were born) Mercury retrograde creates an understanding of how the retrogradation will affect the individual. At this moment, Neptune the planet of spirituality, illusion, confusion, and magic are in opposition. An opposition is when two planets are 180 degrees from each other. This is strong aspect and creates tension and actually movement is not possible without a tension aspect.
Everyone thinks that Mercury Retrograde is a bad thing. Well there ain’t no such thing as a bad thing in astrology. There is tension and there is flow. In other words, it is all good (as we used to say in New Orleans) depending on whether you work with the energy or fight the energy.
With an apparent retrogradation there is a need to go within for answers. They will not be found outside. With Mercury and Neptune combined if we go inside and meditate we will be able to find uplifting spiritual answers that will have impact for the next three months. If we deal with the outside only we will deal with lost watches, computer issues, cars going crazy, communication mix ups and so forth. Again, how and where this impacts us has to do with the houses involved.
If you are familiar with your chart, Mercury is in Leo and Neptune is in Aquarius so you would look for the houses that these are in and be able to interpret the meaning.
If you don’t know what your chart looks like you can go to
http://astro.com and get a free chart or you can arrange for a reading with an astrologer.
Another way to look at the impact is to look at a solar chart. A solar chart looks at your horoscope based upon placing the sun on the horizon and then deriving houses based upon this calculation.
The sun in an equal house system moves through a house every two hours. (12 houses x 2 hours equals 24 hours).
Sign Solar House Neptune Solar House Mercury
Aries 11th House 5th House
Taurus 10th House 4th House
Gemini 9th House 3rd House
Cancer 8th House 2nd House
Leo 7th House 1st House
Virgo 6th House 12th House
Libra 5th House 11th House
Scorpio 4th House 10th House
Sagittarius 3rd House 9th House
Capricorn 2nd House 8th House
Aquarius 1st House 7th House
Looking at the above Table if you do not know your Ascendant (rising sign) you would look at the energy of Mercury and Neptune based on a solar chart. If you know your Ascendant then read that sign to tell the approximate energies of these planets. Those who have more sophisticated knowledge just look and see where 16 degrees of Aquarius and Leo are in your chart.
Key Words
House Influence Sign Planet
1st House How others see you! Aries Mars – yang, movement
2nd House Personal Income Taurus Venus – yin, stillness
3rd House Short Trips/Siblings Gemini Mercury – yang, neutral
4th House Home/Mother Cancer Moon – yin, emotions
5th House Love Affairs, Children Leo Sun – yang, vitality
6th House Health, Jobs, Service Virgo Mercury – yin, helping
7th House Partnership, law, marriage Libra Venus – yang, cooperation
8th House Banks, Insurance, Death Scorpio Pluto – yin sex, money
9th House Higher Education, Vacation Sagittarius Jupiter – yang, expansion
10th House Land, Father, Reputation Capricorn Saturn – yin, boundaries
11th House Friends, Associations Aquarius Uranus – yang, chaos change
12th House Hidden enemies, Angels Pisces Neptune – yin, receptivity
More information:
http://www.astrology-numerology.com/keywords.htmlhttp://www.elysian.co.uk/basicastrology.htmHere is an example from my own chart: Mercury retrograde in 8th house (banks) and Neptune in 2nd house personal income. I made a mistake in paying a bill and allowed myself to create an over drawn situation at the bank which cost me overage fees. Internal lessons learning not to sweat the small stuff once I have made a mistake and to watch the details next time so I am not harmed.
My friend Romola has Neptune by transit in 12th house and Mercury by transit in 6th house. A hidden bill from years ago was discovered by a credit agency she never heard about and it dealt with a hospital bill (6th house). An angel (Neptune 12th) was watching over her because this revealed someone had attempted identity theft and this apparent issue gave her information that enabled her to protect her credit.
You can take the key words from the signs, houses, and planets and create your interpretation and learn how Mercury and Neptune or any planet is affecting you.
Hope you found this helpful even though just a beginning look at a very complicated subject.